Use Google Images to Create a Language of Pictures

8:06 a.m. No Comment

The Image Language, a new website that you're about to decay your afternoon on, strings calm images instead of words to accomplish beheld sentences. Type whatever you wish into the box, and anniversary chat is instantly replaced by the aboriginal aftereffect of a Google Images search. Absolutely pointless, absolutely fun.

From the project's description:

The Image Language is a reside organism, it changes and grows daily. So today you can seek something that is traveling to be absolutely altered tomorrow or even ten years from now. The after-effects will consistently be surprising, sometimes abominable and generally stupid.

It's kinda like that amusing affair Aziz Ansari did with emojis, but the plan is all done for you. You can put any argument you wish in there: song lyrics, bedraggled jokes, novels, absolutely anything. Below you see the aboriginal few curve of Hamlet's soliloquy. Why does the chat "the" construe to a abominable affiche for some cine alleged "Art of the Devil II"? Who the hell knows? But Google says it is so, and it is not for us to catechism its ways. Tomorrow it'll apparently (hopefully) be something different.

Use Google Images to Create a Language of Pictures
Aziz Ansari Hilariously Remixes a Jay-Z and Kanye West Song with Emojis Aziz Ansari Hilariously Remixes a Jay-Z and Kanye West Song with Emojis Aziz Ansari Hilariously Remixes a Jay-Z and Kanye

Jay-Z and Kanye West's N*ggas in Paris is an epically hard, arch bumping canticle that's… Apprehend added Read more

Use Google Images to Create a Language of Pictures

The activity was created by Argentinean copywriter Santiago Luna Lupo and Brazilian art administrator Mihail Aleksandrov, who collaborated on it via Skype. Argentina-based programmer Nicolás Morell put in the coding plan to accomplish it happen. It's a decidedly absorbing little time-vortex. Try it out, and if you end up with some fun results, column the images in the comments. [The Image Language]

Thanks for the tip, Jaime!

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