If you're planning to advancement the SSD in your Macbook Air, here's a accurate little abstraction from Added World Computing: stick the old drive in a cone-shaped aluminum case to accommodate an alien drive which matches your laptop.
OWC offers the Aurora Envoy asylum kit for $20 if you buy any of their Mercury Aura Pro Express SSDs. The enclosure, which weighs 1.5 ounces empty, is fabricated of aluminium and has the aforementioned abate as the Macbook Air. The drives appear in two speeds, with the 3GB/s drives suiting the 2010 Air and the faster 6GB/s drives abandoned alive with with 2011 Airs. Prices are so-so: $248 for 180GB of 3GB/s storage, say, or $780 for a 6GB/s 480GB drive (there are affluence of added options in between, of course). You can aswell buy the asylum kit abandoned for $48. [OWC via Engadget]
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